Painting with Paulson Series 19 DVD

Regular price $29.95

In this two-disc companion DVD to the nineteenth season of the Painting with Paulson public television series, Buck paints still life, oceans, and landscapes using only oil paint. In addition to the 13 30-minute programs, Buck has included bonus segments in which he demonstrates how to enhance each painting. Also included are line drawings of Buck's paintings that can be downloaded on a computer and printed to use as guides, as well as Buck's finished paintings.


Painting with Paulson Series 19

Big Sur parts 1 and 2

Golden Retreat parts 1 and 2

Hawaiian Shores parts 1 and 2

Moment of Peace parts 1 and 2

Sunset Cathedral parts 1 and 2

You Can Do It parts 1, 2, and 3


Producer/Director: Barbara Gravel

Editor: Cassie Pierce

Closed Captioning by Armour Captioning